Sunday, November 3, 2013

Time is relative to the observer and not absolute

i think that the past is a relative, not an absolute concept. what is past  is assessed relative to someone or something. let's say we take a person from year 2000, create a very realistic dome of 1950's and put them in it. Would this person ever be able to tell whether it's actually 1950 or fake 1950? Answer is no, they wouldn't. Therefore, past/future is not absolute, it's relative to the reference point, or to an observer.

Serge Bronstein

Was the Universe created by someone or did it create itself?

i've been reading carl sagan and i pretty much agree on everything he says. Specifically God.

Many people picture God as an old man with a beard governing things. Obviously, that can't be right. But, there seems to be some kind of order to things, it's as if it was someone who built and organized everything. It would be the most fascinating question to be answered, how/why everything/anything exists.

One more argument against an old man. Humans are the product of Universe, not the other way around. Humans did not create universe, the universe created humans. Therefore, a human could not create the universe. And we could also theorize that since universe created us, things in universe make sense BECAUSE we are within this universe, we are actually part of it and part of its design. Can be compared to a cog in a machine and that cog thinking, ok this machine makes sense.

If there is some kind of central entity that organized it all, then who created this entity?

I don't think humans will ever be able to understand, just as a microb on our body cannot understand what's beyond its immediate vicinity.

Serge Bronstein
November 3, 2013