Saturday, February 28, 2015


i think everyone, especially parents , must be required to take a course in psychology. the creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, was successful in very large part due to his knowledge of PSYCHOLOGY when creating facebook, because its a typical exercise in human psychology, probably like no OTHER COMPANY IN HISTORY OF MANKIND

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Amazing life

I am kind of thinking what Carl Sagan has been saying - although I am in now way copying him - these are all my personal thoughts - but then again, i am jewish, he's jewish, i am smart, he's smart - so we have same thoughts in our heads tongue emoticon
Carol Sagan:
“You are alive right this second. That is an amazing thing,” they told me. When you consider the nearly infinite number of forks in the road that lead to any single person being born, they said, you must be grateful that you’re you at this very second. Think of the enormous number of potential alternate universes where, for example, your great-great-grandparents never meet and you never come to be. Moreover, you have the pleasure of living on a planet where you have evolved to breathe the air, drink the water, and love the warmth of the closest star.