Saturday, January 12, 2013

Predicting the future: traversing the dimension of time

Traversing the dimension of time
Future can be predicted with 100% accuracy if you know all the necessary information

Since the ancient times the concept of moving through time has fascinated mankind. H.G. Wells, in his famous book titled “The Time Machine” has described a story of an inventor building a time machine to travel to very distant future, which, unfortunately, turned out to be pretty bleak with humans living in cages. I personally thought Jules Vern did a much better job at predicting the future in his stories about futuristic submarines and travels to space in rockets. But, enough with the small talk introduction, let’s get to the juicy stuff.
Time is a very interesting phenomenon. One could compare it to a dimension. But it is not like a dimension, because if you take one of the regular 3 dimensions, one can travel along them freely with varying speeds. In time, however, we can only travel in one direction, forward, and also only at a certain speed.
The fact that is completely fascinating is that time is very much linked with speed, which makes the comparison to a dimension even more substantial. What Einstein predicted and was later proven by scientists was that comparative amount of time is different for two objects when one is traveling close to speed of light when compared to another object. This can be illustrated in a simple example. If we put a person in a spaceship and send them to our nearest star and that person travels close to the speed of light for let’s say 10 years one way, and 10 years back, much more time would have passed on earth than on his spaceship. I am not really sure on the exact numbers, but when he comes back, what was 20 years to him might have been 200 years on earth.
Why is this happening? Clearly, time has a direct relationship to speed. The faster an object is moving compared to another object, the slower time SEEMS to them. Keyword here is seems, and time turns out to be a relative term, just like speed is. Earth is currently moving thousands of kilometers an hour orbiting around the sun. This speed is comparative to the SUN, but we don’t feel it since we judge it comparative to the earth beneath our feet.
Light and it’s speed are two very important points in our discussion. Light, or any other electromagnetic radiation, always moves at a constant speed c, which is about 300,000 m/s. Two important quotes from wikipedia: “locally light in a vacuum always passes an observer at a rate of c” and “the speed c of electromagnetic radiation does not depend on the velocity of the object emitting the radiation”. This is a very interesting concept, since light doesn’t seem to behave like a normal object. Why? Because if you throw a normal object off another moving object, their speeds are combined. Not true with light! Light always seems to travel at a constant to the observer. Can this suggest that the speed of light is always the same relative to vacuum, which means that we could consider vacuum or space stationary, meaning not everything is relative in this world, like Einstein suggested.
Let’s get back to our discussion of time. We’ve established that we can bend time with speed. However, we can only bend time a certain way. If we want to “fast forward” to the future, we get into a spaceship and travel away at a speed of light and come back. What if we want to slow down time? Will standing at an absolute standstill compared to an observer on Earth accomplish that. But standing absolutely still relative to Earth or relative to something else? Since this area of science doesn’t have enough research, we will skip over to the next section.
By Serge Bronstein

THE MISSING LINK: Man came from interbreeding between Aliens & Monkeys

By Serge Bronstein, 2004

The Missing Link: Aliens & Monkeys

Origins of Man
ABSTRACT: Man came from cross-breeding of aliens and apes millions of years ago.
I have been pondering the origins of man. The current theory suggests that man comes from the apes and has somehow evolved from the ape. Yet, they are unable to explain why humans have been evolving so rapidly, yet apes have pretty much stayed where they have been for thousands, if not millions of years, pretty much like all the other animals. If you look at the way animals evolve, it has little in common with the way man evolves. Animals do adapt to their natural surroundings, for example birds growing beaks, zoo animals adapting to life in the zoo etc. But if you look at human progress, even a short period of time such as 100 years brings remarkable change.
Modern humans have appeared about 1.5 million years ago (Wikipedia, Human Evolution), they were called Homo Habilis. However, Homo Sapiens, or modern man, has only been around since about 250,000 years ago. The article also notes that human DNA is 98.4 similar to chimp DNA. To summarize, the information points out that humans are very similar to monkeys, yet they have distinct characteristics that monkeys don’t have. In fact, I will go further and state that humans have characteristics that no other animal organism on earth possesses. These characteristics have allowed man to evolve and become the dominant living form on planet earth.
So which characteristics or traits do humans possess that no other animal on earth possesses. Firstly, let’s note superior intellect. It is clear that humans are the smartest beings on the planet. And not just the smartest, but by far the smartest. You could say that humans rule planet Earth. Why are humans given such superiority in nature? Why isn’t there a competing animal or a similarly smart creature? Humans also evolve like no other creature on earth. No other creature has such extensive language, emotions. No other creature has sex just for fun. No other creature possesses a concept of humor or laughter. I could go on and on…
Remarkably, with so many unique characteristics, humans are surprisingly similar to other earthly creatures as well. Humans have hearts, lungs, four appendages like countless other mammals on earth. The way the human body works is almost exactly similar to monkeys, for example, but even not too far from creatures such as cats or dogs. So, to summarize, people are very similar to other mammals, yet very unique in some concepts.
The main question is not why humans are in a lot of ways similar to other mammals, because that is not a mystery. The fact that a lot of earthly mammals share common traits is because that is how organisms on Earth adapt to this planet’s environment and nature (on earth) seems to think that this design (brain, lungs, arms/legs, blood, drink water etc) is the best design for life on this planet. The question is: where do the traits that only humans possess come from? The common answer seems to be: evolution. It seems that a long time ago (estimates range from a million to seven million years), the earliest humans appeared. According to evolution, they had to have come from apes. But why are apes today are almost exactly like apes a thousand, or a million years ago, possibly with only slight variations, and live in exactly the same way and environment as their ancient predecessors, yet human progress seems to be steaming ahead. People change their world very rapidly, if you look at only a hundred years ago compared to today, computers, internet, cars and airplanes did not even exist or were in their infantile stage. So if humans came from apes, what triggered the switch and rapid progress? Was it a mutation? Scientists really have a hard time explaining and even came up with a concept of the missing link. But this link has never been found and is in doubt of ever being found. But why?
Without further adue, I will summarize my theory now. I believe, that human origins lie beyond our planet. Basically, humans are a product of aliens from outer space and apes. I know that there has been theories suggesting that humans origins lie in beings from other planets, but none has suggested the cross breeding of aliens and apes. But, in fact, this theory would completely explain the unique traits of humans, which would come from extraterrestrials and human mammalian qualities, which would come from apes. It has been researched that human DNA is 98.5% similar to apes. Which means that the remaining 1.5% is our extraterrestrial heritage.
What would be a common scenario for how alien dna has come to Earth? Their ship somehow ended up crashing on planet earth. The surviving beings, let’s call them Sebs, and we are not sure on their number, started living on Earth and lived the rest of their life here. Sebs might have had children among themselves firstly, but along the line interbred with monkeys and with time, their pure lifeform disappeared and by pure I mean where your mother and father were pure Sebs without any crossbreeding from Earthly creatures. Why did Sebs picked monkeys as their partners? Sebs might have seen monkeys as similar to them in some characteristics and its hard to say which ones.
Now, we go one thousand years from Sebs crash on earth. Since Sebs are not Sebs now, but a product of monkeys and sebs, they do not possess nearly as much Seb dna as the original extraterrestrial Sebs did. At some point however, Sebs stopped interbreeding with pure monkeys and started interbreeding among themselves and this is how the human race was born. The early hominid possessed a certain mix of Sebs Dna and monkey dna. The percentage of Sebs dna would be a lot smaller than monkey dna and that’s where the 98.5% human dna similarity to humans comes from. We should also point out that the Sebs dna has characteristics that are remarkably different from any earth based dna and this is where the explanation of incredible human progress comes from.
Why, then, did early humans were so underdeveloped compared to todays humans? Because after the initial several Seb generations died out, the new species (sebs and monkeys cross) regressed. The original Sebs had to be an incredibly advanced species, able to build spaceships and fly to other planets and were clearly technologically superior, it’s even hard to imagine to what degree. They might have had knowledge today’s humans can’t even imagine, much less put into production. But, throughout their countless beginning generations and we are talking about millions of years, and due to their limited number (the original Sebs population might have been as few as a few hundred or even less) they regressed. However, the dormant Sebs dna, which resides in every human today, was the force behind human evolution.
By Serge Bronstein
January, 2009
WebCite archive Jan 25 , 2009

Recruiting and HR in most organizations is broken!

Just wanted to make a little rant.

 The people doing recruiting in most organizations are NOT qualified. Many times, they do not understand the industry they are hiring for, example – many tech companies have HR people with no background in technology as their first line – the ones that pick and sort resumes and pass them on to technical managers. 

Secondly, people do not hire the best candidates for the job for a variety of reasons – main one being that they are scared they will be displaced.

 About Me: I am the founder of, a very popular job search engine.