Friday, June 14, 2013

Nature is inefficient

the world is the epitome of efficiency and inefficiency. the way nature designs things is far from good, and I literally do not see a particular purpose or reason in a lot of things. example - - people are born, spend half of their life studying, learning from their own mistakes, then maybe 20-25 years being productive. then they die, with all that knowledge, know how, experience.

then, in another generation. it starts all over again. while someone is studying, they are not doing anything productive really, just learning so they can use that knowledge later. furthermore, institutionalized education is difficult and, generally, not that pleasant.

wouldn't it be more efficient if people lived 500 years instead of 75 years? think about how smart you could be if you lived that long. or, if nature somehow designed a way to transfer knowledge to the human brain faster, and all newborns would already know every single thing that their parents did.

one can conclude that so called "achievement" that people place so much emphasis on, is not a truly important issue to nature, otherwise, nature would have designed things more efficiently.

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